Associate Professor Tsaltas Explains Fibroids
Fibroids are a multiplication and elongation of the muscle fibres in the uterus. They can occur in the uterine cavity, in the muscle of the uterus, on the outside of the uterus or a combination of these.
Affecting 20-50% of the female population, fibroids are one of the most common gynaecological problems.
Although many fibroids sufferers experience no symptoms, the condition may cause the following in some patients:
• Pressure
• Pain
• Heavy periods
• Bladder and bowel symptoms
• Infertility
Patients experiencing pain and discomfort from the fibroids may need them surgically removed. Patients without symptoms may also require surgery due to the size of the fibroids and the future desire for children.
I will discuss your options with you in detail.
With a particular interest in the impact of fibroids on fertility, I can talk to you about your surgical options so you can decide how best to proceed.
Your options may include:
• Hysteroscopic myomectomy: The fibroids are cut away using a telescope through the cervix. (More than one procedure may be required depending on the size of the fibroids.)
• Laparoscopic or open myomectomy: The fibroids are removed using either laparoscopic (keyhole) or open surgery depending on their size and positions.
• Hysterectomy: As a specialist in laparoscopic hysterectomy, I am able to perform most hysterectomies by laparoscopic (keyhole) surgery. Open procedures are sometimes necessary if the fibroids are exceptionally large.